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About me

Hey there! I'm Leanne Baratier and I reside in beautiful New Hampshire. Ever since I was young, I've had a deep love for the arts and have studied both drawing and painting, as well as playing the clarinet. This passion continued throughout my college years, where I pursued a BFA in graphic design. As a professional designer, I have helped numerous companies enhance their brand identities. When I'm not working, you can find me exploring the White Mountains through hiking or spending quality time with my husband and feline companion. It's nice to meet you!

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Senior Thesis

During my senior year of college, I was given a new challenge after years of hard work - to create a hypothetical brand from scratch. After careful consideration, I decided to base my brand on my current passion - makeup! I adored watching beauty influencers on YouTube, their ability to blend eyeshadow flawlessly and achieve a flawless foundation. Despite my best efforts, I could never quite get the makeup looks right.


However, every makeup artist starts somewhere, so I came up with the idea of creating a makeup brand that is less intimidating. The focus isn't on perfecting your look, but on the art of makeup. After all, makeup is meant to be fun!


And so, I am thrilled to introduce Botched Beauty Products!

Photo of Leanne next to her name at the senior thesis BFA show
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